4 Things to Know Before Using Google Adwords

Did you know Google updates its search algorithm between 400 and 500 times per year? As Google improves search results, this has made attaining high organic search positions harder for smaller enterprises.

If you can’t rely on free organic search to drive traffic, what can you do?

For many of our clients, we recommend advertising with Google Adwords in addition to optimizing their site for search engines (SEO).

1) Who should use Adwords?

If you have a product or service to sell, Google Adwords and search marketing are keys to success. (In other words… pretty much every business!)

On the path to purchase, the majority of people will do a Google search to either find or learn more about a product or service they need. What they learn when they conduct that search will influence their purchase decision. And when they “Google” your product or service category, you need to be there either on page one of the organic results, in a sponsored placement, or ideally both positions.

2) How specific can my targeting be in Adwords?

You can be as broad or specific as the search results data dictate. Determine what people will type when they search for your product or service. If you’re a plumbing service, will they find you with “clogged drain” more often than “plumber” or “plumbing”? Google gives you the tools to know this. These determinations are made in the research phase of your campaign set-up.

Target your keywords to your core offerings. Google’s keyword tool will give you all the keyword permutations you need to build the right list.

If you are a local business, such as a restaurant, salon or spa, you can also geo-target your ads so that people in a specific area see them, but no one else. Zipcodes and surrounding area maps are available as part of the backend solution Google provides to advertisers.

This is also where expertise will not only build your successful campaign, but will also make sure you’re not spending money on clicks that are less likely to convert. For example, if you sell jewelry online, the right campaign will target the right shopper for your product.

Managing the bidding strategy is also where an expert can really make a difference in conversions per dollar.

3) What will people see when they click?

Probably the most important aspect of using Adwords is to ensure that the prospective customer sees the information they need to make a decision. The landing page needs to be extremely focused on this. If your home page is a general overview of your business, with no specifics and no way to capture leads, you need to build landing pages.

A landing page will have a contact form for capturing data from the potential customer. Or if lead generation is not your goal, but rather, product information and retail sales, you’ll need highly specific product detail page and a way to find an authorized dealer.

If you sell online, then your ad should direct people to the product page or category landing page, depending on whether your ad is specific to a brand product or broad, e.g. “LG Refrigerator” or simply “Refrigerator.” Product pages for eCommerce are a whole topic on their own, which we will cover later.

4) How much will it cost?

Your budget can be as low as $1.00 a day!

That may not be an effective budget, but it shows you can spend what you want. And remember you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Generally, we recommend that clients begin campaigns at $20.00 to $30.00 per day, which translates to $600 to $900. Your campaigns should also be continually optimized so that the most effective campaigns get the highest spend click now.

Wilder2 charges a management fee for Adwords on a sliding scale: the more complex, higher number of campaigns, take more time to manage appropriately. Of course, we’d love to talk with you about managing your campaign…


Adwords can absolutely help move qualified traffic to your website, provided it is wisely managed and maintained. Understanding your cost of acquisition, and putting this is in the context of your sales goals is also vital. Give Adwords a try, and start slowly at first. With success, you can grow the size and scope of your campaign, and increase sales even more.

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